CyberWatch Digital Press Call for Peer Reviewers!
For the 2024-25 academic year, after completing at least two reviews, Peer Reviewers are eligible to apply for a travel stipend up to $650 to attend regional 3CS events and up to $2,100 to attend the National 3CS based on distance from the workshop venue. All reviewers who complete at least one review are recognized as a Fellow of the Cyber Ready G-Force -- the generating force raising cybersecurity capabilities and career readiness. Cyber Ready G-Force Fellows are eligible for free registration to the 3CS events for which they reviewed submissions.
The CSJ Overview Briefing describes the types of manuscripts published in the Cybersecurity Skills Journal and our iterative manuscript development process. The 3CS Overview is especially valuable for students, faculty, or professionals who do have substantial experience presenting at conferences or publishing articles.
We periodically conduct a one-hour workshop to help prospective peer reviewers understand our mission and the details of the iterative peer review process before making a commitment to become a peer reviewer. If you are interested in learning more or becoming a peer reviewer, please click the Register button. Your confirmation email will provide a link to a page where you can select the date to attend a Peer Reviewer Workshop.