Call for Proposals: Cybersecurity Capabilities and Careers Summit (3CS)

  • January 01, 2025
  • 12:00 PM
  • December 31, 2025
  • 11:59 PM
  • Various locations



Call For Proposals

The National CyberWatch Center is seeking 2025 Cybersecurity Capabilities and Careers Summit (3CS) proposals. Each 3CS begins with an invitation-only event for session organizers. You may submit a proposal for a region that is not listed below, and your proposal will be considered an early-bird submission that is eligible for stipends and registration discounts.

Upcoming Events

  • Mid-Atlantic 3CS: March 21-22, 2025
  • Northeast 3CS:  April 25-26, 2025
  • Southeast 3CS: May 7-8, 2025
  • National 3CS: June 2025

Proposers of sessions for upcoming regional or national 3CS are encouraged to submit a brief abstract of their session idea. The lead author of an accepted session proposal will receive up to $2,900 in a travel stipend based on the distance between the home address and the 3CS venue location. To be eligible for a stipend, the stipend recipient must register in advance of the conference and participate in the 3CS event activities on Friday and Saturday.

The session leader for accepted proposals will be invited to attend a 3CS Session Proposal Development Workshop. 3CS sessions explore or document innovative ideas, evidence-based practices, and demonstration of techniques and technologies for raising the capability maturity of the cybersecurity workforce. Session leaders receive guidance from experienced session presenters and facilitators during a one-day 3CS Session Proposal Development Workshop.

Session Types

Dialogues (Focus Groups): A Dialogue is an exchange of ideas between experts and stakeholders, facilitated by the session moderator, highlighting different points of view, experiences, and expertise on a problem or area related to cybersecurity practices, including designing, developing, evaluating, learning, teaching, or performing cybersecurity roles and functions. The goal of a Dialogue is to discover common themes and ideas for a future systematic study that will provide evidence related to the opinions expressed by a contributor to the Dialogue. These proposals should discuss specific challenges and persistent problems related to cybersecurity education and issues of raising the capability maturity in the cybersecurity workforce. The proposal for a Dialogue session must include a list of questions the moderator will pose to the attendees.

Evidence-Based Practices: Refers to methods or interventions that data shows to be effective or ineffective in achieving a specific outcome. The goal is to improve outcomes by using interventions that have been proven to be effective through rigorous research and avoid those that evidence suggests are ineffective, rather than relying on intuition or tradition. The Evidence-Based Practice Session proposal should list which of the types of evidence will be presented.

Demonstrations: Technical demonstrations are events or activities where a product, technology, technique, or system is demonstrated to the Symposia attendees. These demonstrations are usually used to showcase the capabilities and features of the technology or technique, and to provide a hands-on experience for the audience.