2024 Great Lakes Cybersecurity Capabilities and Careers Symposia

  • October 25, 2024
  • 4:00 PM
  • October 26, 2024
  • 6:00 PM
  • St. Paul, MN, at Metro State University & Century College


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Free registration with a travel stipend based on the distance from the venue only if actively participating in person for both days of the conference. The access code will be provided by the symposium chair to the corresponding author of all accepted session proposals.
  • Nominated Fellow of the National CyberWatch Center’s Guiding Force for Cyber Readiness (Registration fee waiver code required)
  • Access is provided via Zoom to Demonstration, Dialogue, and Evidence-Based Practice sessions conducted in all five symposia. By May 6th, you will receive a Zoom links to select the sessions you wish to attend. Registration fee is non-refundable.
  • General Admission to attend the Cybersecurity Capabilities and Careers Symposia - Non-refundable
  • Free registration for students and faculty from colleges and universities who are Platinum, Diamond, or Gold sponsors of the 3CS event series. To be eligible for free registrations, You must register with an email address issued to you by the sponsoring organization and provide the access code they provided you.

    You MUST register with a .edu email address.

    For more information, or to become a sponsor, please contact dtobey@nationalcyberwatch.org.
  • Staff registration for 3CS

Registration is closed

2024 Great Lakes Regional 3CS

Five symposia provide the opportunity to learn, experience, and discuss the latest tools, techniques, and technologies for Teaching, Practicing, Demonstrating, and Showcasing Cybersecurity Capabilities.


Nearby hotels:

When: October 25-26, 2024


Keynote Speaker:

Cyber Immunity: Shielding Healthcare

Rohit Tandon, CISO, Essentia Health


Rohit Tandon is the Vice President of IT Business Operations and Chief Information Security Officer at Essentia Health, with 20 years of experience across public and private sectors. He previously served as Minnesota’s State Chief Information Security Officer and now contributes to statewide cybersecurity strategies as an appointed member of the Minnesota Cybersecurity Taskforce. At Mayo Clinic, he led technology initiatives in Electronic Health Records and medical device cybersecurity, driving advancements that enhanced patient care and safety.

Driven by a lifelong commitment to learning, he also coaches senior executives and serves as an adjunct professor at Metropolitan State University, where he fosters leadership and a curiosity mindset.

Why Symposia?

Symposia is the plural form of symposium. 3CS includes a symposium in each of the five areas below.

  • Community College Cyber Summit: The granddaddy and foundation of the 3CS program that has welcomed those interested in experiential cybersecurity education for over a decade! Presentation sessions in classrooms with support for hybrid sessions about practice improvements for cybersecurity education Included with General Admission.
  • Cybersecurity Science and Practice Symposium: Poster and classroom presentation sessions with support for hybrid attendance about evidence-based professional and instructional cybersecurity practices -- the human factors of cybersecurity. Included with General Admission.
  • Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Symposium: Cybersecurity skill development workshops on specialized topics not typically taught in higher education courses but required to develop the skills needed to advance in the cybersecurity profession. Additional cost to attend.
  • Cyber Technology and Careers Symposium: Open spaces supporting an exhibit hall with demonstration sessions and a career fair - combining a job fair and a talent fair.  Included with General Admission, but can be purchased separately.
  • Cyber Games, Simulations, and Competition Symposium: Individual and team-based interactive challenges and opportunities for hands-on experience with or observation of demonstrations of skills in the Cyber Ready Arcade, including the new Community College Collegiate Defense Competition (3CDC) Included with General Admission.

What Else to Expect at SW-3CS:

  • Awards: Great Lakes NCSA Chapter-of-the-Year, Great Lakes CyberWatch Instructor-of-the-Year, Best Dialogue, Best Demonstration, Best Evidence-Based Practice, Best Skills Development Workshop, and Cyber Arcade Individual and Overall Champions
  • Cyber Ready Arcade: Serious games intended to accurately assess and rank (e.g., chess rating) accomplishment of individual or one-on-one challenges necessary to develop cyber skills
  • Cyber Ready Gym: Practice performing specific tasks to develop your readiness to perform critical cybersecurity tasks
  • Cybersecurity Skills Development Workshops (CSDWs) assist in raising the capability maturity and readiness of practitioners, faculty, students, or policymakers to adopt and adapt the latest effective practices for performing cybersecurity functions and roles. There is an additional fee for these workshops. Register for general admission to the conference to receive a discount code to attend a CSDW. 
  • Demonstrations: Technology, cybersecurity practice, and teaching tools and techniques
  • Career Fairs: Employer Fair and Talent Fair - a reverse job fair where job-seekers have a booth showcasing their capabilities. *What is a Talent FairIf registered by the Early-Bird deadline, every Talent Fair registrant will receive a personalized capability profile and access to preparatory training and coaching at no additional cost
  • Research: Focus groups and evidence-based practice presentations
  • Sponsorship opportunities > Contact info@nationalcyberwatch.org to discuss multiple event or program sponsorship discounts
  • ...and much more!!

Who Should Attend?

  • Employers and Hiring Managers who need to recruit, hire, develop, and retain a skilled cybersecurity workforce
  • Educators from K12 schools, Community Colleges, 4-year schools
  • Students looking to jump start their careers
  • Managers of workforce development programs
  • Organizers of community economic development initiatives
  • Developers of innovative products and services that enable developing a skilled workforce
  • Policymakers from local, state, federal, and international government agencies



Friday Sessions: Daily Program Guide Coming Soon 

  • 3:00 pm Registration Desk Opens
  • 4:30 pm Opening Reception, Keynote Speakers, and the Cyber Arcade

Saturday Sessions: Daily Program Guide Coming Soon

  • 8:30 am Registration Desk Opens
  • 9:30 am - 11:30 am Morning Sessions
    1. Demonstration Sessions 
    2. Great Lakes Regional Qualifier for the 2-Year College Cyber Defense Competition
  • 11:30-12:45 pm Lunch Break and Group Meetings
    1. National Cybersecurity Student Association Chapters
    2. Great Lakes Regional Qualifier for 2-Year College Cyber Defense Competition
  • 1:00 pm - 3:45 pm Afternoon Sessions
    1. Dialogue Sessions
    2. Evidence-Based Practice Sessions
  • 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Closing Plenary and Awards Ceremony



  • Early-Bird (closes 30 days before the event): 75%
  • Pre-Registration (closes 10 days before the event): 20%
  • Late Registration (after the event starts): +50%
  • Student Association Chapter and Premium Member Discounts 
  • National CyberWatch Center Academic Chapter and Premium Member Discounts
Retail Prices:

All registrations are non-refundable unless requested by the date that early-bird registrations close

Stipends Available:
  • National CyberWatch Premium Membership
  • National Cybersecurity Student Association Annual Membership
  • National CyberWatch/National Cybersecurity Student Association Chapter Membership
  • Program stipends (e.g., Cyber Ready/Skill Up to Scale Up, Cybersecurity Skills Journal, ABET Ambassadors, Curriculum Standards Panels)

Feel free to reach out with any questions: info@nationalcyberwatch.org