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Cybersecurity Skills Journal Proposal Development Workshop (PDW)

  • April 19, 2022
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Online


  • Registrant for CSJ PDW

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Cybersecurity Skills Journal Special Issue

Evidencing Competencies: Progress from Funded Research

Proposal Development Workshop for CSJ Submissions

The Cybersecurity Skills Journal is seeking ideas and drafts for Articles, Notes and Dialogues that impact cybersecurity practice, improve learning, and advance the state of the cybersecurity workforce’s capability maturity and which arise from recent funded research. Abstracts may address any aspect of research into cybersecurity but must align with the Journal’s mission: emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of the cybersecurity practitioner, educator, or researcher, not on technology. For further information, please review the Special Issue on Evidencing Competencies Call for Abstracts.

The goal of the Proposal Development Workshop is to assist authors in thinking through the definition of the problem, the research question(s), and the contribution in preparation for submission of an abstract in response to the Call for Abstracts.

Register here to attend the workshop on April 19th from 1:00 - 2:00 pm Eastern Time.

Prospective authors must review our Overview Presentation before attending the Proposal Development Workshop. This presentation will help you to understand the special issue focus, types of manuscripts, initial submission requirements, and timeline before submitting their ideas.

Cybersecurity Skills Journal authors benefit from exceptional support including but not limited to constructive advice received from 10-person peer review and mentoring panels. We encourage authors to submit rough ideas initially that may be iteratively developed into an appropriate manuscript format.

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