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    • August 06, 2018
    • December 31, 2030

    Cybersecurity Skills Journal: Practice and Research: Fall 2018 Special Issue: 3CS Anniversary Special Issue – Five Years of Raising the Capability Maturity Bar

    The launch of the first issue, Cybersecurity Skills Journal: Practice and Research -  3CS Anniversary Special Issue - Five Years of Raising the Capability Maturity Bar - coincides with the 5th Annual Community College Cyber Summit (3CS). Besides some path-breaking articles from our Innovations in Cybersecurity Education award-winners, most of the special issue is dedicated to listings of the capability-enhancing presentations that have occurred over the past five years at the 3CS.

    Table of Contents



    Raising the BAR of Cybersecurity Capability Maturity


    Meeting Industry Needs for Secure Software Development 

    Have My Smart Lightbulbs Been Weaponized?


    Competency is Not a Three Letter Word 

    3CS FIFTH ANNIVERSARY RESOURCE GUIDE Pathway Section: Fundamentals 

    Pathway Section: Specialty Areas


    Click "Register" to request a free copy of the 3CS Anniversary Special Issue. Upon completion of the registration form a download link will be sent to your registered email address.

    • November 20, 2020
    • December 31, 2030

    The Cybersecurity Skills Journal: Practice and Research - NICE Framework Special Issue: Investigating Framework Adoption, Adaptation, or Extension - examines the usefulness, benefits, and challenges associated with the adoption, adaptation, or extension of the NICE Framework in cybersecurity practice, to improve learning, and advance the state of cybersecurity capability maturity.

    Table of Contents



    The CYBER security - Competency Health and Maturity Progression


    Exploring Non-Technical Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA)

    Exploring Cognitive Processes to Develop Cybersecurity Defender Proficiency


    Wireless Security: Examining the next NICE Framework Iteration 


    Cybersecurity Intelligence: A Novel Information Security Threat Mitigation


    Does Cybersecurity Education Focus on the Right Things?

    Click "Register" to request a free copy of the NICE Special Issue. Upon completion of the registration form a download link will be sent to your registered email address.

    • April 22, 2021
    • September 16, 2033
    • Online

    This NSF-funded research project explored the viability of cybersecurity apprenticeships for federal agency pipeline support. During the 18-month effort – which ended in December 2020 – a Working Group of 15 federal, academic, and practitioner experts developed a strong dialog and presence in the apprenticeship space. Aided by close ties to the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Working Group on Apprenticeships, the project developed a deeper understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the apprenticeship model, and identified key ways to improve the adoption of apprenticeships.

    Primary Audience: Federal Cybersecurity human resources and hiring managers.

    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction to Apprenticeships
    2. What Do Current Apprenticeships Look Like?
    3. Current Apprenticeship Footprint
    4. Possible Barriers to Federal Adoption
    5. Available High-Level Models
    6. Engaging the Hiring Manager
    7. Aligning Academic and OJT Requirements
    8. The Value Proposition
    9. Seeding the Way: Pilot Proposals to Agencies
    10. Recommendations to NSF
    11. National CyberWatch Center Working Group Membership
    12. References
    • August 20, 2021
    • January 14, 2034
    • Online

    The National CyberWatch Innovations in Cybersecurity Education program was launched in the winter of 2016, as part of National CyberWatch’s Awards & Recognition program.

    About the 2017 Innovations in Cybersecurity Education Publication

    The deadline for application submissions was March 15, 2017. Shortly after, a panel of cybersecurity educators and National CyberWatch partners reviewed these submissions, 44 in total (far exceeding previous year's submission totals), and selected 5 for recognition. This reference document was created listing all nominations and the 5 winners.

    • September 30, 2021
    • 9:00 AM
    • September 30, 2030
    • 11:59 PM
    • Online

    The National CyberWatch Innovations in Cybersecurity Education program was launched in the winter of 2016, as part of National CyberWatch’s Awards & Recognition program.

    About the 2021 Innovations in Cybersecurity Education Publication

    With the forced transition to online learning across the education spectrum as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we decided to focus on the following theme for this year’s program:

    How can we best contribute to the needs and transformations that might occur for remote/online instruction in the post-COVID-19 world?

    Given the narrow focus of this year’s theme, we are treating this year’s publication as a Special Issue, which combines the top two submissions (as ranked by a panel of judges) with the results of our National Cybersecurity Student Association COVID-19 Perceptions Survey. This year was like no other; so is this year’s Innovations program.

    • September 28, 2022
    • 9:00 AM
    • September 28, 2032
    • 11:59 PM
    • Online

    The National CyberWatch Innovations in Cybersecurity Education program was launched in the winter of 2016, as part of National CyberWatch’s Awards & Recognition program.

    One of the major strengths of the National CyberWatch Center is its ability to aggregate and disseminate the capacity and creative experimentation found within our academic and workforce communities.

    The 2022 Innovations in Cybersecurity Education program (now in its 6th year), was built on the premise that our members are some of the best cybersecurity educational innovators, and that through our Center, they can share their innovations, accelerate their adoption, and receive proper recognition for their work. This publication is an example of this capacity and creativity in action.

    All National CyberWatch Center members received the online nomination form via various e-Blasts, the monthly e-Newsletter (NCC Communicator), social media campaigns, and dissemination/outreach via various partners. The deadline for submissions was May 10, 2022. Shortly after, a panel of cybersecurity educators and past Innovations winners reviewed the submissions and selected those for recognition in this publication.

    • October 01, 2022
    • 12:00 PM
    • September 30, 2025
    • 11:59 PM
    • Online
    Registration is closed

    National CyberWatch Center's

    Call for Cybersecurity Skills Development Workshop Proposals


    Designed to develop capabilities that are essential to the effective performance of cybersecurity job roles, as well as helping to grow faculty and program capacity at 2/4-year schools. Proposals accepted on a rolling basis are evaluated in the order received.


    • Grant-supported advance stipend for workshop development
             - $2,500 per workshop upon acceptance of course learning materials
    • Facilitator pay for Workshop delivery  
             - $3,000 to 8,000 per full-day based on percentage of capacity sold
    • Royalties of Workshop content subscriptions after the first year
             - 10% of subscription fees for workshop content license renewals


      Traditional workshops focus on exposure to new techniques, tools, and instructional materials (i.e., train-the-trainer) by conveying information about a topic. While valuable information is provided, workshop attendees don't usually have sufficient time to develop a deep understanding and to practice application of new knowledge necessary to develop skills. Assessments are often omitted or are limited to a summative test without a detailed review of errors or omissions. Workshop attendee are on their own to address any failed understanding or misapplications after the workshop ends. Consequently, traditional workshop attendees frequently fail to retain knowledge of workshop concepts and techniques or are unable to transfer the new learning to workplace/academic scenarios.

      By contrast, the Cybersecurity Skills Development Workshops (CSDWs) are designed to develop mastery in skillfully applying techniques, tactics, tools, protocols, or procedures through competency-based instructional designs. These workshops focus on developing deep understanding through continual, formative assessment of knowledge development designed to identify and eradicate misunderstanding and misconception. Furthermore, CSDW participants practice applying the newly-gained knowledge under varying conditions or scenarios to facilitate transfer to the workplace/academic setting. Finally, CSDW attendees receive a year's subscription to a self-paced instructional system to continue their development after the workshop ends. Consequently, CSDWs assist in raising the capability maturity and readiness of students, faculty, practitioners, or policymakers to adopt and adapt the latest effective practices for performing cybersecurity functions and roles.

      CSDWs apply advances in:

      • Formative assessments, which are designed to detail the areas of strengths and weaknesses of the learner, as continually applied, and guide the next learning path
      • Adaptive learning systems, to ensure the achievement of mastery in understanding, applying, and adapting cybersecurity practices
      • Micro-credentialing, to recognize the level of capability maturity exhibited by the workshop participant as Proficient, Competent, or a Master of the new capability

      Workshop Formats
      Ranging from half-, one-, or two-day workshops focused on a single capability, to multi-week virtual offerings.

      CSDW Facilitator Deliverables:

      • Concept Matrix (glossary)
      • Open-sourced or developed instructional materials
      • Open-sourced or developed hands-on exercises (e.g., procedures to be executed)
      • Scenario-based exercises (e.g., the way in which you administer a system depends on the operating system)

      Proposed Workshop Domains

      Like a textbook, a traditional workshop is divided into some number of topics/domains, with domains addressing several defined concepts. In contrast, a CSDW is organized by the responsibilities to be competently performed in the workplace, which is decomposed into the tasks to be executed and the concepts and techniques required to skillfully perform a task.

      Proposals for Workshop domains might include, but are not limited to the following:

      • Analyze network traffic
      • Limit information system access to authorized users and processes
      • Authenticate (or verify) the identities of those users, processes, or devices, as a prerequisite to allowing access to organizational information systems
      • Monitor, control, and protect organizational communications (i.e., information transmitted or received by organizational information systems) at the external boundaries and key internal boundaries of the information systems
      • Update malicious code protection mechanisms when new releases are available

      Example CSDW

      Hands-On Cryptography

      • October 21, 2022
      • 9:00 AM
      • September 01, 2025
      • 12:00 AM
      • Online
      • 5656

      National Cybersecurity Student Association

      Are you a student or faculty member who is interested in volunteering for our advisory board? The time commitment is a minimum of 1-hr per month. If interested, complete the application to start the process and someone will reach out to you. 

      • October 31, 2022
      • 9:00 AM
      • September 01, 2025
      • 12:00 AM
      • Online
      • 5614

      Skills to Succeed Program

      New this year is the Skills to Succeed Coaching Program. In the Skills to Succeed Coaching program, each participant will receive 24/7 access to online career readiness and cybersecurity capability instructional libraries. Each participant is assigned a success coach who will be continually informed through system reports about their progress towards mastery. The system reports and the coach will determine readiness to be assigned work responsibilities based on the participant’s level of competency or mastery of tasks and performance scenarios. Participants will be matched with open jobs and be able to schedule interviews with employers whose jobs would be a good match for each participant.

      The program is free and provides interactive training, but you must be a student and have a paid membership with us to participate in this program. Fill out this form to receive updates.

      Updates and announcements are posted periodically. Click the "Register" button on the left if you are either faculty or a student and would like to receive notifications about this program.

      • January 01, 2023
      • September 01, 2026
      • online
      • 99986

      Download the National Cybersecurity Student Association Chapter Recruitment Sign-up Form

      • January 01, 2023
      • September 30, 2025

      Student Chapter invoicing for the National Cybersecurity Student Association. If you have any questions, contact us. 

      You can use your credit card or mail a check to; 

      National CyberWatch Center
      Prince George Community College Foundation
      Center for Advanced Technology (CAT), Room 129C
      301 LARGO ROAD
      LARGO, MD 20774

      Gus Hinojosa Jr. 
      Director, National Cybersecurity Student Association

      • May 23, 2023
      • January 21, 2027
      • online
      • 99974
      Download the National Cybersecurity Student Association Memberships & Chapters Information
      • May 24, 2023
      • May 25, 2033
      • Online

      Cybersecurity Skills Journal: Practice & Research

      Diversifying the Cybersecurity Workforce Special Issue

      This special issue, published in April 2023, includes a collection of dialogues, which capture a discussion among stakeholders about dilemmas or previously insurmountable challenges related to diversifying the cybersecurity workforce, cybersecurity skill assessment, development, recruitment, or evaluation.

      CSJ Dialogues may be edited recordings of a focus group session, interviews with subject matter experts, or conversations between practitioners, scholars, or educators exploring the goals, success factors (objectives), and effective practices for successful mitigation or resolution of problems or taking full advantage of opportunities facing the cybersecurity community.

      Click the "Register" button (upper-left) to receive the link to download this  publication.

      • May 31, 2023
      • May 31, 2033
      • Online

      2022 National CyberWatch Center's Annual Report

      This report highlights the tremendous impact that the CyberWatch Center has on increasing the readiness of workers, students, instructors, and researchers to meet the ever-growing threat to our nation’s security and prosperity. The CyberWatch Center’s many accomplishments would not be possible without the tremendous support and leadership provided by Dr. Corby Hovis, the ATE program director at the National Science Foundation, Dr. Falecia D. Williams, the president of Prince George’s Community College, our world-class program management team, and the hundreds of volunteers and dozens of alliance partners who guide and contribute their time, talent, and financial support of our programs.

      • August 01, 2023
      • September 30, 2030
      • Online

      Thank you for inquiring about the National Cybersecurity Student Association, student chapters. Please fill out the form and we will get back to you soon. Go to https://www.cyberstudents.org/student-chapter-information/ to learn more about our student chapters. 

      National Cybersecurity Student Association
      Chapter Development Team

      • September 07, 2023
      • May 08, 2025
      • online
      • 99996
      Download the National Cybersecurity Student Association Chapter Event Hosting Guide
      • September 14, 2023
      • 12:00 PM
      • September 15, 2033
      • Online

      State of and Trends in Cybersecurity Capability Maturity
      Call for Working Papers

      These preliminary research papers explore various aspects of the state of and trends in cybersecurity capability; that is, the level of progressive improvement to perform, or the readiness to perform, critical activities or functions.

      Want to disseminate progress made in grant-funded work, presentations of research findings at conferences, or other systematic investigations? If so, consider publishing working papers of your own.

      Click the Register button in the middle-left of this window to get started.

      • September 30, 2023
      • May 08, 2025
      • online
      • 99992
      Download the National Cybersecurity Student Association Chapter Overview PowerPoint
      • December 13, 2023
      • September 30, 2025


      Student and chapter members. Interested in free marketing and branding? Submit your blog today and we will post it on our website, include it in our marketing email and and place it in the National CyberWatch bi-monthly newsletter, the Communicator. 

      The minimum word count is 500 words and the maximum word count is 1200. Please list all references cited to avoid plagiarism. If you have any further questions, please email info@cyberstudents.org.

      • December 30, 2023
      • January 24, 2026
      • online
      • 99998

      • January 01, 2024
      • December 29, 2025
      • Eastern Time

      CyberWatch Digital Press Call for Peer Reviewers!

      The Cybersecurity Skills Journal (CSJ) and the associated Cybersecurity Capabilities and Careers Symposia (3CS) are seeking members of the broader cybersecurity stakeholder community--including graduate students, educators, researchers, tech innovators, and practitioners from government and industry--to join our growing community of peer reviewers and mentors for proposers of conference sessions and journal manuscripts. Peer reviewers are essential to publishing research that integrates and expands the methods, processes, and evidence of effective practices for skillful performance of cybersecurity job functions and roles. 

      For the 2024-25 academic year, after completing at least two reviews, Peer Reviewers are eligible to apply for a travel stipend up to $650 to attend regional 3CS events and up to $2,100 to attend the National 3CS based on distance from the workshop venue. All reviewers who complete at least one review are recognized as a Fellow of the Cyber Ready G-Force -- the generating force raising cybersecurity capabilities and career readiness. Cyber Ready G-Force Fellows are eligible for free registration to the 3CS events for which they reviewed submissions.

      The CSJ Overview Briefing describes the types of manuscripts published in the Cybersecurity Skills Journal and our iterative manuscript development process. The 3CS Overview is especially valuable for students, faculty, or professionals who do have substantial experience presenting at conferences or publishing articles.  

      We periodically conduct a one-hour workshop to help prospective peer reviewers understand our mission and the details of the iterative peer review process before making a commitment to become a peer reviewer. If you are interested in learning more or becoming a peer reviewer, please click the Register button. Your confirmation email will provide a link to a page where you can select the date to attend a Peer Reviewer Workshop.

      • March 30, 2024
      • September 01, 2025
      • Online


      Student and chapter members. Do you like puzzles and games? Fill out this form to get notified when we host our Cyber Arcade games. If you have a student chapter, we can host a few games for your chapter members and/or go head to head with other student chapters. For more information, contact us at info@cyberstudents.org 

      • April 03, 2024
      • December 03, 2025
      • online
      • 99988
      Download the National Cybersecurity Student Association Membership Flyer
      • April 03, 2024
      • December 03, 2025
      • online
      • 99989
      Download the National Cybersecurity Student Association Chapter Flyer
      • June 04, 2024
      • February 03, 2026
      • online
      • 100000
      Download the National Cybersecurity Student Association PGCC student flyer with student membership promo code. 
      • June 25, 2024
      • September 30, 2025

       Raise the BAR Mastery Badge Program: A Formative Credentialing of Cybersecurity Capability Maturity

      The BAR acronym stands for Behaviorally Anchored Rating. Much evidence shows that when BAR scales, based on the tasks that must be performed to excel in a career position, are used to evaluate capability maturity, the results are less biased and more accurate predictors of future job performance. The previous Raise the BAR assessments have been used by companies, such as IBM, to identify the most qualified candidates for open positions. This year’s program will also include the Core Concept Readiness Inventories which assess your stock of knowledge in four fundamental domains of information security:

      1) C-I-A Triad

      2) Controls, Threats & Attacks

      3) Cryptography

      4) Security Testing, Engineering, and Operations

      The Information Security Fundamentals Readiness Assessment will provide a proficiency profile and opportunity to earn badges in recognition for demonstration of conceptual understanding of the prerequisite knowledge for a career in information security and readiness to fully benefit from an information security fundamentals course. The Information Security Fundamentals Readiness Assessment is therefore ideal for a student who is in the beginning or middle of their educational program but can be of value to any student who wishes to demonstrate to prospective employers that they possess the knowledge required to apply information security concepts in information technology and networking job roles that are the feeders into cybersecurity specialist jobs. The complete Information Security Readiness Assessment takes about 30 minutes to complete.

      The Core Concept Readiness Inventories will provide a proficiency profile and opportunity to earn badges in recognition for demonstration of conceptual understanding of the core concepts of information security within the four domains listed above. These assessments are most appropriate for students who have completed a course in information security fundamentals. These concepts must be mastered to meet the requirements for jobs in Systems Engineering or an entry-level cybersecurity job as a Cybersecurity Technician or Specialist. Each of the four Core Concept Readiness Assessments will require about 15-30 minutes to fully complete.

      Question(s): Email us at info@nationalcyberwatch.org

      • June 26, 2024
      • 9:00 AM
      • June 30, 2025
      • 11:59 PM
      • Online

      Call for Curriculum Standards Panel Members

      Are you interested in serving the cybersecurity education community? Consider becoming a subject-matter expert serving on a Curriculum Standards Panel (CSP). 

      Before registering, if you have not already done so previously, please obtain (and save for future use) your anonymized Participant ID and complete the qualifications surveys at:


      CSP History and Role

      In 2017, the Curriculum Standards Course Panel (CSCP) for Information Security Fundamentals was established. Funded initially by a grant from the National Security Agency (NSA), ISF CSCP applied psychometrically-valid, Competency-Based Mastery Learning (CBML) instructional design techniques to develop a domain taxonomy, assessment items, instructional content, and the sequencing plan for that content necessary to overcome constraints to developing mastery of the fundamentals of Information Security. The design models guide standardization of cybersecurity curricula.

      During the 2024-25 academic year, the CSCP will be working with a team developing a new accreditation model to assert success in student mastery in understanding and competent application of security concepts, tactics, techniques, and procedures. Members of the CSCP will follow the innovative CBML curricula design method to develop, prototype, and disseminate adaptive, accelerated learning modules that can substantially improve cybersecurity workforce capability maturity. These learning modules can be mixed and matched based on learner readiness, institutional goals, and career requirements.

      The role of the Curriculum Standards Panels is to continually verify, validate, and enhance assessments, instructional materials, hands-on tutorials, and interactive challengesPanelists may contribute to one or more Topic Area Working Groups (TAWGs) based on their expertise in teaching, designing, or having relevant work experience in the focal topic area. Panelists may also apply to become a TAWG chair or vice-chair. Panel chairs and vice-chairs become members of the editorial board of the Open Educational Resource (OER) course materials library.

      Panel Member Commitment and Stipend

      Periodically, the Curriculum Standards Program receives support from federal agencies or corporate sponsors to develop instructional materials. These funds are used to provide stipends to panel members that have been regular contributors to the public resource library of evaluated instructional materials and can increase their time commitment to develop new instructional materials.

      The 2024-25 CSP members are expected to contribute three to four hours per month as expert reviewers and evaluators of existing instructional materials. The work of the panel will be divided into four phases, each phase lasting approximately two months. Therefore, each CSP member must agree to commit a minimum of 24 hours during the 2024-25 academic year. Thanks to our sponsors, each CSP member will receive a stipend of $2,000 divided into four $500 stipends issued upon completion of each development phase.

      All panelists who complete all four development phases will be listed in the Creative Commons License documentation for the coursePanelists participating in at least three-quarters of all panel activities will receive a certificate and registered achievement badge. The CSP badge may be applied towards Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirements.

      Join the Panel

      To apply to become a member of the Curriculum Standards Panel (or confirm if previously completed) please click the link below, or any other registration button or link on this page.


      Please remember before registering, if you have not already done so previously, obtain (and save for future use) your anonymized Participant ID and complete the qualifications surveys at:

      • June 28, 2024
      • February 27, 2026
      • online
      • 99951
      Download the National Cybersecurity Student Association Membership Programs Flyer
      • July 12, 2024
      • September 11, 2031
      • Online

      Beginning in Fall 2024, National CyberWatch Center is launching a Premium Membership for faculty with institutional chapters. Premium members receive 50% off coupons for program fees and are eligible to receive travel stipends to CyberWatch events. Please complete the inquiry form to indicate your interest in applying for premium individual or chapter membership.

      One of our membership coordinators will be in touch soon!

      National CyberWatch Center
      Chapter Development Team

      • July 29, 2024
      • September 29, 2025
      • Online
      After filling out the form, you will be contacted by our marketing department.

      Interested in Some Free Marketing & Branding? 

      We are looking to promote students in the National CyberWatch Center's Communicator, websites, emails, and our social media platforms. Do you have a story to share, academic work or just want to provide a shout out (text or video) on how the student association has helped you?

      "The Student Association has a ton of resources in their member portal to help me stay ahead of the curve."

            - Ysael Caban - Hillsborough Community College. A.S. Digital Forensics.                                 Tampa, FL. 

      • July 29, 2024
      • July 28, 2025

      • July 30, 2024
      • July 29, 2025

      Free & Available Only for: NCSA Premium Members, NCSA Participating Members*, CyberWatch Premium Members, CyberWatch Institutional Members, and CyberWatch Participating Members*

      You will receive a Webcast link of the recording upon completing the form via email.


      Game On: Developing Cybersecurity informed Science focused eSports for Elementary Education Ecosystems

      Recorded on: July 30, 2024

      Presented by: Terrance R. Campbell, MAEd, MSISM, A+, Net+, Sec+ CySA+

      Terrance is a published Health Informatics and Information Systems Security Practitioner-Scholar that has: (a) 40+ years of senior-level IT management experience across several business sectors and 5 countries; and (b) two master’s degrees (information systems management and adult & distance education). During this time, Terrance has also obtained 25+ years of classroom and administration experience assisting 3rd grade – graduate student ecosystems build the capacity to using serious games (board, card and digital games) as tools for IT and Cybersecurity career readiness. Currently, Terrance is an Asst. Computer Science and IT professor that is pursuing an Ed.D. in Higher Education Leadership focusing on Cybersecurity Co-Curricular Development. He also serves as a(n): (a) the Games, Simulations and Competitions Symposia Co-Chair and Researcher for the National CyberWatch Center; (b) the senior co-chair of the NIST/NICE Cybersecurity K – 12 Education Community of Interest – December 2024; (c) Science Olympiad Board Member for the states of IN and TN; and (d) member of the Education Law Association Community Engagement Committee Leadership Team.

      DescriptionThe NCSA hosted a webcast on July 30th about using the National Cyber League Lab Kit and Microsoft’s Excel eSport 2023 Competition as the framework, designing a new cybersecurity informed science-focused eSports competition that can be used as a co-curricular for 3rd – 5th graders.

      Question(s): Email us at info@nationalcyberwatch.org

      *Participating Members may opt-out of future notifications at any time by accessing their account to change their preferences.

      • August 18, 2024
      • September 30, 2025

      Thank you for your interesting in volunteering for the National Cybersecurity Student Association. Please fill out the form and somebody will get back to you. 

      • September 18, 2024
      • July 07, 2026

      Share Your Academic Work & Research Through Our Network

      Are you a student or faculty member who would like FREE marketing and branding? Look no further! Share you academic work with us through our rapidly growing worldwide audience. We can promote it via emails, our website, and/or social media platforms.! Make a name for yourself and stand out from the crowd today! If you have any further questions, please email info@cyberstudents.org.
      • September 18, 2024
      • September 30, 2026
      • Online

      Sign-up for Student Chapter Activities

      Do you have a National Cybersecurity Student Association Chapter? Are you interested in participating in a 1-hr activity for your chapter? If so, please fill out the application and someone will get back to you. The activities are listed in the application. Note: These activities are only available for Unites States chapters only at this time. 

      National Cybersecurity Student Association

      • September 18, 2024
      • May 20, 2026
      • online
      • 99988
      Download the 2CDC Flyer
      • September 18, 2024
      • November 19, 2025
      • Online

      Teams from institutions conferring associate degrees are eligible to qualify for the national championship in May. Qualifiers receive travel stipends for a faculty coach and five team members to attend the championship. There is no limit on the number of teams from any school, college, or university. Anyone, regardless of age or institute, may participate as an observer to hone skills in cyber defense.

      Download the 2CDC flyer HERE. 

      Questions: 2cdc@nationalcyberwatch.org

      • November 01, 2024
      • August 01, 2027

      Student Chapter invoicing for the National Cybersecurity Student Association. If you have any questions, contact us. 

      You can use your credit card or mail a check to; 

      National CyberWatch Center
      Prince George Community College Foundation
      Center for Advanced Technology (CAT), Room 129C
      301 LARGO ROAD
      LARGO, MD 20774

      Gus Hinojosa Jr. 
      Director, National Cybersecurity Student Association

      • January 01, 2025
      • June 30, 2025
      • Online via Zoom

      Welcome to Curriculum Standards Panel Members!

      On behalf of the National CyberWatch Center, I want to thank you for volunteering for what is an ongoing and critical effort to identify the learning objectives, concepts, procedures, situational judgments, and the intellectual abilities required to develop capability maturity in cybersecurity foundational principles, techniques, tactics, and protocols.

      After you have registered for this event, you will receive a confirmation email that will contain a link to download the "New Member Welcome Packet” and for you to provide your meeting availability. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out at any time.

      Again, thanks for sharing your expertise as we advance cybersecurity education and training, while strengthening the national information security workforce.

      Thanks for helping us keep our community strong!


      David H. Tobey, Ph.D.
      Executive Director & Principal Investigator
      National CyberWatch Center

      Gus Hinojosa Jr., MSc, MBA 
      Project Manager
      National CyberWatch Center

      • January 01, 2025
      • 12:00 PM
      • December 31, 2025
      • 11:59 PM
      • Various locations

      Call For Proposals

      2025 Proposal Submissions accepted until 11:59 pm on September 30, 2025

      Cybersecurity Capabilities and Careers Symposia (3CS) sessions explore or document innovative ideas, evidence-based practices, and demonstration of techniques and technologies for raising the capability maturity of the cybersecurity workforce. The Cybersecurity Skills Journal (CSJ) publishes Special Issues with Articles, Notes and Dialogues that impact cybersecurity practice, improve learning, and advance the state of the cybersecurity workforce’s capability maturity. 


      Proposers of sessions for 3CS or manuscripts for CSJ are encouraged to submit a brief abstract of their session idea. Student proposals are warmly welcomed!

      The lead author of an accepted session proposal who has not previously presented their proposal is eligible for stipends to participate in a 3CS event. If you elect to attend in person and attend sessions throughout the event (including yours), you are eligible to receive a participation stipend of $200 and a travel stipend of up to $3,000 based on the distance from your home to the workshop venue. Stipend funding is limited. In addition to meeting the eligibility requirements, stipend availability is determined by the date of proposal acceptance and availability of funding from 3CS sponsors.

      Submit your session idea as soon as possible to ensure funds are available to support your attendance. When you register, you will be asked to select a date to attend a Proposal Development Workshop. During this workshop and the following panel review and mentoring program, you will receive guidance and assistance in developing your proposal for the conference to meet the requirements for leading your session at an upcoming 3CS event. If your session proposal is accepted to conduct a session at two regional 3CS events, you will be automatically eligible to conduct the session at the National 3CS.


      Please view our current open Calls for Proposals for more information on individual Special Issue topics and timelines. Submissions may address any aspect of research into cybersecurity but must align with the Journal’s mission: emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of the cybersecurity practitioner, educator, or researcher, not on technology.

      Cybersecurity Skills Journal authors benefit from exceptional support, including but not limited to constructive advice received from 10-person peer review and mentoring panels. We encourage authors to submit rough ideas initially that may be iteratively developed into an appropriate manuscript format.

      OBSERVERS WELCOME: Want to learn how to develop a successful conference or publication proposal? Please select the "Observer" registration type to indicate that you wish to observe the workshop process to get a better idea of what is required to submit a successful proposal.

      • January 08, 2025
      • September 01, 2027

      The purpose of this form is to provide a student chapter semester update for the National Cybersecurity Student Association. If you have any questions, contact Gus Hinojosa Jr. at ghinojosa@nationalcyberwatch.org.  

      • January 14, 2025
      • September 01, 2027
      • Online

      The National Cybersecurity Student Association is inviting presentation proposals for their monthly webcast series. Whether you are a student, faculty member, or professional, we encourage you to submit a proposal related to career development or cybersecurity topics. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at info@cyberstudents.org.

      • Up to a 1-hr presentation. 
      • Must submit your presentation proposal to be approved. 
      • Presentation must be cybersecurity or career building related. 
      • January 24, 2025
      • October 24, 2027

      Student Chapter invoicing for the National Cybersecurity Student Association. If you have any questions, contact us. 

      You can use your credit card or mail a check to; 

      National CyberWatch Center
      Prince George Community College Foundation
      Center for Advanced Technology (CAT), Room 129C
      301 LARGO ROAD
      LARGO, MD 20774

      Gus Hinojosa Jr. 
      Director, National Cybersecurity Student Association

      • January 28, 2025
      • April 30, 2025
      • Zoom

      Thank you for your interest in the Cyber Ready Professionals Skills to Succeed Program. To register, click the "Register Button" on the bottom left. During registration, you will be asked to select the session date you wish to attend.  If you are unable to attend the session at the time you select, you may submit another registration to select a future session to attend.

      After you have registered, you will be sent an email with the webcast details. If you have questions, contact Gus Hinojosa Jr. at ghinojosa@nationalcyberwatch.org. 

      • February 01, 2025
      • 9:00 AM
      • September 30, 2025
      • 5:00 PM

      Get a Personal Coach

      Get the Professional Skills you Need to Succeed

      Get Scholarships for Certificate Program and Exam Fees.

      Get the Experience you need to become a Certified Professional

      Get Clients to start your Certified Cybersecurity Preparer (CCP) Practice

      The National CyberWatch Center, Accenture, ISACA, and Microsoft have partnered to bring you the Cyber Ready Professionals Program. Apply here and schedule your information session to learn about the program benefits, and the progressive training and coaching process to jumpstart your cybersecurity career.


      • February 21, 2025
      • 12:00 PM
      • August 01, 2025
      • 11:59 PM
      • Online

      Call for Participants

      Competency-Based Mastery Learning (CBML)

      Instructional Design Workshop Series



      Participants will learn how to apply advances in educational neuroscience and learning science to create personalized instruction systems that evidence shows are the key to raising student readiness to learn new concepts and procedures, become certified, or engage in work-based learning programs (e.g., internships, apprenticeships, or entry-level jobs).


      • Stipends are available with education institution approval

        What makes these workshops different from others

        Traditional workshops focus on exposure to new techniques, tools, and instructional materials (i.e., train-the-trainer) by conveying information about a topic. While valuable information is provided, workshop attendees don't usually have sufficient time to develop a deep understanding and to practice application of new knowledge necessary to develop skills. Assessments are often omitted or are limited to a summative test without a detailed review of errors or omissions. Workshop attendee are on their own to address any failed understanding or misapplications after the workshop ends. Consequently, traditional workshop attendees frequently fail to retain knowledge of workshop concepts and techniques or are unable to transfer the new learning to workplace/academic scenarios.

        By contrast, the CBML Skills Development Workshops (CSDWs) are designed to develop mastery in skillfully applying techniques, tactics, tools, protocols, or procedures  through competency-based instructional designs. These workshops focus on developing deep understanding through continual, formative assessment of knowledge development designed to identify and eradicate misunderstanding and misconception. Furthermore, CSDW participants practice applying the newly-gained knowledge under varying conditions or scenarios to facilitate transfer to the workplace/academic setting. 

        CSDWs apply advances in:

        • Formative assessments, which are designed to detail the areas of strengths and weaknesses of the learner, as continually applied, and guide the next learning path
        • Adaptive learning systems, to ensure the achievement of mastery in understanding, applying, and adapting CBML instructional design practices
        • Micro-credentialing, to recognize the level of capability maturity exhibited by the workshop participant as Proficient, Competent, or a Master of each new capability

        CSDW Deliverables:

        • Concept Matrix (glossary)
        • Open-sourced or developed instructional materials
        • Open-sourced or developed hands-on exercises (e.g., procedures to be executed)
        • Scenario-based exercises 

        Transform your classroom or virtual course with the high-impact practice of personalized, adaptive instruction

        Click the "Register" button to the left or the link above to be added to the list of interested participants.

        • March 01, 2025
        • 9:00 AM
        • June 30, 2025
        • 11:59 PM
        • Eastern Time

        Peer Reviewer Workshop

        Held Bi-Weekly (select your preferred dates)


        As a peer reviewer, you will be contributing to generating the future workforce of the nation's cybersecurity capabilities to improve the readiness of cyber professionals to meet the growing and diversifying threats. Accordingly, those who conduct at least two reviews become CyberWatch G-Force Fellows who are eligible to receive travel stipends to attend all 3CS conferences leading up to and including the National 3CS in May 2025. 

        Reviews for CyberWatch are not a single, one-time review of an author’s submission provided by a small group of critical reviewers. Instead, CyberWatch Review Panels include up to 10 peer reviewers, representing different stakeholder communities and areas of expertise, that evaluate a proposal with the objective of improving it to meet the requirements for leading a 3CS session or publishing a CSJ article. Thus, panel members provide collegial and constructive feedback as the author(s) iteratively develops a structured abstract and then the completed session proposal or draft manuscript.  

        This one-hour workshop will help prospective peer reviewers understand our mission and the details of the iterative peer review process before making a commitment to become CyberWatch Peer Reviewer. 

        If you are interested in learning more or becoming a peer reviewer, please sign up for a Peer Reviewer Workshop using the Register button to the left or clicking below.

        Please note that you must register by June 30th to become a reviewer for the 2024-25 academic year. You will receive an email listing the date and time that you requested. A reminder email with the calendar invite will be sent at the beginning of the week in which your selected workshop will be conducted.


        • March 06, 2025
        • December 31, 2025
        • Online

        This survey is part of Women in Cloud’s effort to develop a comprehensive research report and personalized assessment to uncover wellness challenges, identify healthcare gaps, and advocate for better education and resources. The insights gathered will help shape real solutions that support long-term well-being and economic security.

        The survey is open to all genders and age groups, and anyone who has experienced stress, burnout, brain fog, sleep issues, or other wellness challenges is encouraged to participate. You we be emailed a link to the survey once you register your interest here.

        Millions of people struggle with cognitive decline, stress overload, hormonal imbalances, and executive dysfunction—yet these challenges often go unrecognized and untreated. Whether it’s brain fog, decision fatigue, chronic stress, mood fluctuations, sleep disturbances, or energy crashes, these issues impact productivity, relationships, and overall quality of life.

        However, current data reveals critical gaps in healthcare and wellness support:

        • Over 60% of individuals experience challenges with cognition, mood, and stress management—but most don’t receive proper guidance.
        • Only 25% of those seeking medical care for hormonal or stress-related issues receive targeted treatment due to limited provider preparedness and healthcare gaps.
        • Less than 7% of primary care providers feel trained to address hormonal and cognitive health concerns, leaving millions underserved.
        • Declining use of proactive wellness strategies and therapies is leading to an increase in long-term chronic conditions and reduced workforce productivity.

        Why Your Participation Matters

        Your responses will help Women in Cloud develop a comprehensive research report and personalized assessment to:

        ✅ Uncover key wellness challenges across different demographics and identify patterns that impact executive function, cognitive health, and overall well-being.

        ✅ Identify critical healthcare gaps and missing resources, ensuring that individuals have access to the tools and support they need.

        ✅ Advocate for better education and awareness, equipping individuals, employers, and healthcare providers with science-backed solutions.

        ✅ Amplify personal stories and lived experiences, fostering a collective movement toward health, resilience, and empowerment.

        ✅ Contribute to making our ecosystem healthier and more economically secure, with research-backed wellness strategies that boost workforce performance and long-term economic stability.

        Who Should Take This Assessment?

        This survey is open to all genders and age groups—whether you are a professional, entrepreneur, student, caregiver, or retiree. If you’ve ever experienced:

        • Chronic stress, burnout, or mental fatigue
        • Brain fog, difficulty focusing, or memory challenges
        • Hormonal fluctuations, energy crashes, or sleep disturbances
        • Unexplained mood swings, anxiety, or emotional imbalances

        Then this assessment is for you.

        Be Part of the Solution

        Your insights will drive real change, enabling Women in Cloud and our partners to bridge healthcare gaps, develop personalized assessment, advocate for better policies, and connect people with experts and resources that support long-term well-being.

        Take the survey today and help shape a future where health, productivity, and well-being are prioritized for all.

        • March 18, 2025
        • April 09, 2025
        • Zoom

        Thank you for registering interest in the Cyber Ready Professionals Skills to Succeed Program.  An important step in your development of career readiness is to create a short "elevator pitch" that describes your capabilities and value to a prospective employer.  

        What is an elevator pitch?

        According to Princeton University,  "An elevator pitch is a brief way of introducing yourself, getting across a key point or two, and making a connection with someone. It's called an elevator pitch because it takes roughly the amount of time you'd spend riding an elevator with someone."

        The elevator pitch should include who are you, how you have developed, or are developing, distinctive expertise, why you believe you are distinctive (studies, experience, or accomplishments that achieved key results), where was the distinctive expertise demonstrated, who (e.g. type of company, culture, project role) you have as a goal to work with or on, and a Call to Action – what next step is sought as an outcome of the pitch?

        The structure of an elevator pitch

        "Hi, my name is [Your Name], and I’m a [Your Profession or Area of Expertise] with [X years] of experience in [Industry/Field]. My background includes [mention a key achievement, skill, or experience that sets you apart]. Recently, I [share a recent success or project that highlights your value]. I'm passionate about [industry-related passion or goal], and I’m excited about the opportunity to bring my skills in [key skills] to [Company Name] to help achieve [specific company goal or value]."

        Example elevator pitch for a software developer

        "Hi, my name is Alex, and I’m a software developer with 5 years of experience in full-stack development. I’ve successfully led projects that improved platform performance by 30%, and I specialize in building scalable web applications using React and Node.js. I’m passionate about creating seamless user experiences and am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name]’s mission of delivering innovative tech solutions."

        Your pitch cannot exceed three minutes in length. The coach(es) in the virtual room may ask you a question or two. The total interview length will be 5 to 7 minutes. 

        Registration for a Coaching Session

        Register Here to select an available time to meet with a professional coach to receive feedback on your Talent Fair Capability Pitch. Coaching sessions will be available on March 18th and 19th in preparation for the Mid-Atlantic 3CS Career Expo Talent Fair on the evening of March 21st at the University of Maryland in College Park. Another coaching session will be available on April 8th and 9th in preparation for the Northeast 3CS Career Expo Talent Fair on the evening of April 25th at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA.

        After registration, you will receive a confirmation email with the times available for the coaching sessions. Time slots are limited and reservations are on a first-come-first-served basis.

        To be eligible, you must register using a .edu email issued by the institution in which you are enrolled. 

        Stipends and Free Conference Registration Available!

        Travel stipends are available to those who register for the conference. You may also be eligible for an access code providing free conference registration if you completed the following steps of the Cyber Ready Professional Program.

        1. Submit the application and attend a program information session
        2. Upload a current resume
        3. Submitted the Time Management assessment

        If you are not eligible for a free conference registration, you may receive a deep discount on the registration fee by becoming a one-year Premium Membership in the National Cybersecurity Student Association. Access the NCSA Membership Page and scroll to the bottom to select "Individual-Student Association Premium Member - 1 yr. - $19.99 (USD)." If you have any questions about membership, please contact ghinojosa@nationalcyberwatch.org.

        • April 11, 2025
        • April 12, 2025
        • Northampton Community College, Bethlehem, PA

        • April 25, 2025
        • 8:00 AM
        • April 26, 2025
        • 6:00 PM
        • Bethlehem, PA

        2025 Northeast Regional 3CS

        Five symposia provide the opportunity to learn, experience, and discuss the latest tools, techniques, and technologies for Teaching, Practicing, Demonstrating, and Showcasing Cybersecurity Capabilities.


        Lehigh University
        29 Trembley Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015

        Northampton Community College
        3835 Green Pond Rd, Bethlehem, PA 18020

        Nearby hotels:

        When: April 25-26, 2025


        Why Symposia?

        3CS includes a symposium in each of the five areas below.

        • Community College Cyber Summit: The granddaddy and foundation of the 3CS program that has welcomed those interested in experiential cybersecurity education for over a decade! Presentation sessions in classrooms with support for hybrid sessions about practice improvements for cybersecurity education Included with General Admission.
        • Cybersecurity Science and Practice Symposium: Poster and classroom presentation sessions with support for hybrid attendance about evidence-based professional and instructional cybersecurity practices -- the human factors of cybersecurity. Included with General Admission.
        • Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Symposium: Cybersecurity skill development workshops on specialized topics not typically taught in higher education courses but required to develop the skills needed to advance in the cybersecurity profession. Additional cost to attend.
        • Cyber Technology and Careers Symposium: Open spaces supporting an exhibit hall with demonstration sessions and a career fair - combining a job fair and a talent fair.  Included with General Admission, but can be purchased separately.
        • Cyber Games, Simulations, and Competition Symposium: Individual and team-based interactive challenges and opportunities for hands-on experience with or observation of demonstrations of skills in the Cyber Ready Arcade, including the new Community College Collegiate Defense Competition (3CDC) Included with General Admission.

        What Else to Expect at SW-3CS:

        • Awards: NCSA Chapter-of-the-Year, CyberWatch Instructor-of-the-Year, Best Dialogue, Best Demonstration, Best Evidence-Based Practice, Best Skills Development Workshop, and Cyber Arcade Individual and Overall Champions
        • Cyber Ready Arcade: Serious games intended to accurately assess and rank (e.g., chess rating) accomplishment of individual or one-on-one challenges necessary to develop cyber skills
        • Cyber Ready Gym: Practice performing specific tasks to develop your readiness to perform critical cybersecurity tasks
        • Cybersecurity Skills Development Workshops (CSDWs) assist in raising the capability maturity and readiness of practitioners, faculty, students, or policymakers to adopt and adapt the latest effective practices for performing cybersecurity functions and roles. There is an additional fee for these workshops. Register for general admission to the conference to receive a discount code to attend a CSDW. 
        • Demonstrations: Technology, cybersecurity practice, and teaching tools and techniques
        • Career Fairs: Employer Fair and Talent Fair - a reverse job fair where job-seekers have a booth showcasing their capabilities. *What is a Talent FairIf registered by the Early-Bird deadline, every Talent Fair registrant will receive a personalized capability profile and access to preparatory training and coaching at no additional cost
        • Research: Focus groups and evidence-based practice presentations
        • Sponsorship opportunities > Contact info@nationalcyberwatch.org to discuss multiple event or program sponsorship discounts
        • ...and much more!!

        Who Should Attend?

        • Employers and Hiring Managers who need to recruit, hire, develop, and retain a skilled cybersecurity workforce
        • Educators from K12 schools, Community Colleges, 4-year schools
        • Students looking to jump start their careers
        • Managers of workforce development programs
        • Organizers of community economic development initiatives
        • Developers of innovative products and services that enable developing a skilled workforce
        • Policymakers from local, state, federal, and international government agencies



        Friday Sessions: Daily Program Guide Coming Soon 

        • 3:00 pm Registration Desk Opens
        • 4:30 pm Opening Reception, Keynote Speakers, and the Cyber Arcade

        Saturday Sessions: Daily Program Guide Coming Soon

        • 8:30 am Registration Desk Opens
        • 9:30 am - 11:30 am Morning Sessions
          1. Demonstration Sessions 
          2. Regional Qualifier for the 2-Year College Cyber Defense Competition
        • 11:30-12:45 pm Lunch Break and Group Meetings
          1. National Cybersecurity Student Association Chapters
          2. Regional Qualifier for 2-Year College Cyber Defense Competition
        • 1:00 pm - 3:45 pm Afternoon Sessions
          1. Dialogue Sessions
          2. Evidence-Based Practice Sessions
        • 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Closing Plenary and Awards Ceremony


        Discounts for:

        • Early-Bird (closes 30 days before the event)
        • Pre-Registration (closes 10 days before the event)
        • Student Association Chapter and Premium Member Discounts 
        • National CyberWatch Center Academic Chapter and Premium Member Discounts
        • Late Registration (after the event starts): +50%
        Retail Prices:
        • General Admission: $225
        • Employer Job Fair Booth: $2,000
        • Talent Fair Booth: $50
        • Cybersecurity Skills Development Workshops (priced separately)

        All registrations are non-refundable unless requested by the date that early-bird registrations close

        Stipends Available:
        • National CyberWatch Premium Membership
        • National Cybersecurity Student Association Annual Membership
        • National CyberWatch/National Cybersecurity Student Association Chapter Membership
        • Program stipends (e.g., Cyber Ready/Skill Up to Scale Up, Cybersecurity Skills Journal, ABET Ambassadors, Curriculum Standards Panels)

        Feel free to reach out with any questions: info@nationalcyberwatch.org
        • May 08, 2025
        • 8:00 AM
        • May 09, 2025
        • 6:00 PM
        • Central Georgia Technical College, Macon, GA

        2025 Southeast Regional 3CS

        Five symposia provide the opportunity to learn, experience, and discuss the latest tools, techniques, and technologies for Teaching, Practicing, Demonstrating, and Showcasing Cybersecurity Capabilities.


        Central Georgia Technical College
        3300 Macon Tech Drive, Building H, Macon, GA 31206

        Nearby hotels:

        When: May 8-9, 2025


        3CS includes a symposium in each of the five areas below:

        • Community College Cyber Summit: The granddaddy and foundation of the 3CS program that has welcomed those interested in experiential cybersecurity education for over a decade! Presentation sessions in classrooms with support for hybrid sessions about practice improvements for cybersecurity education Included with General Admission.
        • Cybersecurity Science and Practice Symposium: Poster and classroom presentation sessions with support for hybrid attendance about evidence-based professional and instructional cybersecurity practices -- the human factors of cybersecurity. Included with General Admission.
        • Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Symposium: Cybersecurity skill development workshops on specialized topics not typically taught in higher education courses but required to develop the skills needed to advance in the cybersecurity profession. Additional cost to attend.
        • Cyber Technology and Careers Symposium: Open spaces supporting an exhibit hall with demonstration sessions and a career fair - combining a job fair and a talent fair.  Included with General Admission, but can be purchased separately.
        • Cyber Games, Simulations, and Competition Symposium: Individual and team-based interactive challenges and opportunities for hands-on experience with or observation of demonstrations of skills in the Cyber Ready Arcade, including the new Community College Collegiate Defense Competition (3CDC) Included with General Admission.

        What Else to Expect at SW-3CS:

        • Awards: NCSA Chapter-of-the-Year, CyberWatch Instructor-of-the-Year, Best Dialogue, Best Demonstration, Best Evidence-Based Practice, Best Skills Development Workshop, and Cyber Arcade Individual and Overall Champions
        • Cyber Ready Arcade: Serious games intended to accurately assess and rank (e.g., chess rating) accomplishment of individual or one-on-one challenges necessary to develop cyber skills
        • Cyber Ready Gym: Practice performing specific tasks to develop your readiness to perform critical cybersecurity tasks
        • Cybersecurity Skills Development Workshops (CSDWs) assist in raising the capability maturity and readiness of practitioners, faculty, students, or policymakers to adopt and adapt the latest effective practices for performing cybersecurity functions and roles. There is an additional fee for these workshops. Register for general admission to the conference to receive a discount code to attend a CSDW. 
        • Demonstrations: Technology, cybersecurity practice, and teaching tools and techniques
        • Career Fairs: Employer Fair and Talent Fair - a reverse job fair where job-seekers have a booth showcasing their capabilities. *What is a Talent FairIf registered by the Early-Bird deadline, every Talent Fair registrant will receive a personalized capability profile and access to preparatory training and coaching at no additional cost
        • Research: Focus groups and evidence-based practice presentations
        • Sponsorship opportunities > Contact info@nationalcyberwatch.org to discuss multiple event or program sponsorship discounts
        • ...and much more!!

        Who Should Attend?

        • Employers and Hiring Managers who need to recruit, hire, develop, and retain a skilled cybersecurity workforce
        • Educators from K12 schools, Community Colleges, 4-year schools
        • Students looking to jump start their careers
        • Managers of workforce development programs
        • Organizers of community economic development initiatives
        • Developers of innovative products and services that enable developing a skilled workforce
        • Policymakers from local, state, federal, and international government agencies



        Wednesday Sessions: Daily Program Guide Coming Soon 

        • 3:00 pm Registration Desk Opens
        • 4:30 pm Opening Reception, Keynote Speakers, and the Cyber Arcade

        Thursday Sessions: Daily Program Guide Coming Soon

        • 8:30 am Registration Desk Opens
        • 9:30 am - 11:30 am Morning Sessions
          1. Demonstration Sessions 
          2. Regional Qualifier for the 2-Year College Cyber Defense Competition
        • 11:30-12:45 pm Lunch Break and Group Meetings
          1. National Cybersecurity Student Association Chapters
          2. Regional Qualifier for 2-Year College Cyber Defense Competition
        • 1:00 pm - 3:45 pm Afternoon Sessions
          1. Dialogue Sessions
          2. Evidence-Based Practice Sessions
        • 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Closing Plenary and Awards Ceremony


        Discounts for:

        • Early-Bird (closes 30 days before the event)
        • Pre-Registration (closes 10 days before the event)
        • Student Association Chapter and Premium Member Discounts 
        • National CyberWatch Center Academic Chapter and Premium Member Discounts
        • Late Registration (after the event starts): +50%
        Retail Prices:

        All registrations are non-refundable unless requested by the date that early-bird registrations close

        Stipends Available:
        • National CyberWatch Premium Membership
        • National Cybersecurity Student Association Annual Membership
        • National CyberWatch/National Cybersecurity Student Association Chapter Membership
        • Program stipends (e.g., Cyber Ready/Skill Up to Scale Up, Cybersecurity Skills Journal, ABET Ambassadors, Curriculum Standards Panels)

        Feel free to reach out with any questions: info@nationalcyberwatch.org
        • September 30, 2025
        • 11:59 PM
        • Zoom Online Conference

        Register for a
        Proposal Development Workshop

        Held Bi-Weekly (select your preferred dates)

        2025 Proposal Submissions accepted until 11:59 pm on September 30, 2025

        Please click the REGISTER button on the bottom left of this screen

        Cybersecurity Capabilities and Careers Symposia (3CS) sessions explore or document innovative ideas, evidence-based practices, and demonstration of techniques and technologies for raising the capability maturity of the cybersecurity workforce. For more information about proposal requirements and submit a session or manuscript idea, please access the 2025 Call for Proposals: Cybersecurity Capabilities and Careers Summit (3CS). Submit your session idea as soon as possible to ensure funds are available to support your attendance. Please view our current open Cybersecurity Skills Journal Calls for Proposals for more information on individual Special Issue topics and timelines.

        Proposers of sessions for 3CS or manuscripts for CSJ only need to submit a topic title and a brief description of their idea to get started. Student proposals are warmly welcomed!


        All workshop mentors are recognized as a Fellow of the Cyber Ready G-Force -- the generating force raising cybersecurity capabilities and career readiness. Please register here if you are willing to volunteer as a mentor to proposers of session and manuscript proposals.

        OBSERVERS WELCOME: Want to learn how to develop a successful conference, grant, or publication proposal? Please select the "Observer" registration type to indicate that you wish to observe the workshop process to get a better idea of what is required to submit a proposal for a 3CS session or a CSJ manuscript.


        1. Introductions and Workshop Program Review

        2. Breakouts by symposium based on the proposal type. Depending on the number of proposals submitted to the workshop, the breakouts may be held simultaneously or in a sequence. Breakouts are led by a 3CS program chair or CSJ section editor with assigned mentors. Each proposal discussion is planned for 10 to 20 minutes to allow ample time for presentation of the session idea and discussion on how to develop the proposal to meet 3CS or CSJ requirements.

        Guided development of a session proposal pitch.

        Dialogue sessions:  A dialogue session is an exchange of ideas between experts and stakeholders, facilitated by the session moderator, highlighting different points of view, experiences, and expertise on a problem or area related to cybersecurity practices, including designing, developing, evaluating, learning, teaching, or performing cybersecurity roles and functions. Dialogue proposals should specify a problem limiting the development of cybersecurity capability maturity that is not well understood or addressed. The proposal should also include 3-5 thought-provoking, open-ended questions that will gather insights and experiences from session attendees about the factors that are the likely and substantive causes of this problem as well as potential inverventions that can impact the influence of causal factors to bring about a desired change in the problem. The goal of a Dialogue is to discover common themes and ideas for a future systematic study. 

        Evidence-Based Practice Sessions: Methods or interventions that data shows to be effective or ineffective in achieving a specific outcome. Proposals should specify how the method or intervention has impacted individual competence development or organizational effectiveness, preferably referencing the population studied and the correlation or effect size of the intervention factors on the level or degree of a desirable outcome or outcomes. Methods or interventions can be protocols or procedures for professional practice or curriculum or instructional designs for use by educators or trainers. 

        Demonstrations: Technical demonstrations that showcase the capabilities and features of the technology or technique for raising cybersecurity capability maturity, preferably including a hands-on experience for the audience. Breakouts based on the proposed session type

        Prospective authors of CSJ articles are asked to review the CSJ Overview Presentation before attending the Proposal Development Workshop. This presentation will help you to understand the Journal's mission, types of manuscripts, initial submission requirements, and timeline.

        QUESTIONS: Email us at info@nationalcyberwatch.org

        • October 30, 2025
        • 11:59 PM
        • Online

        Call for Participation in the

        Cybersecurity Capabilities and Careers Summit (3CS) Committees 

        Includes the Community College Cyber Summit, Cyber-Ready Skills Arcade that include regional and national competitions

        Membership in 3CS Committees are renewed annually in October of each year

        Over its nine-year history, the Community College Cyber Summit (3CS) has grown nearly every year to become "the signal event for cybersecurity education," as stated by a program director at the National Science Foundation. In the past, we have had to turn away many prospective attendees because the venue capacity was limited. Consequently, to better serve our nation's needs, 3CS will be considerably expanded in 2023 and beyond.

        We are expanding the 3CS program to host regional events throughout the year that will lead up to the next annual conference in Orlando in 2024. Attendance at each regional event is expected to equal or exceed the average attendance at our former annual events (between 300-450 attendees). The national conference venues will now support a much larger attendance of over 1,500 attendees. Each 3CS, regional and national, will combine programs for all stakeholder groups in cybersecurity education under one roof: Secondary and post-secondary education, workforce development, and recruiting and career services.

        3CS is produced by the member institutions of the National CyberWatch Center. A compendium celebrating the first five years of the conference was published in 2018 and is available here if further information about the conference is desired prior to making your decision to participate.

        As a guiding principle, we believe that the leadership of 3CS as a critical national resource demands the involvement of a diverse set of stakeholder groups, including educators, students, administrators, employers, policy-makers, and vendors, especially those from underrepresented populations. We embrace inclusivity by encouraging contributions from any and every cybersecurity community member who wants to have a voice.

        Click the Register Button (upper left-hand side of this page) to Volunteer for a Committee

        3CS succeeds because "it takes a village" to build a conference community. The long history of deep collaboration among NSF Advanced Technological Education (ATE) projects, centers, host institutions, and the many faculty and student volunteers from across the nation will support extending the 3CS community across the education pathway, from K-12 awareness and interest in a cybersecurity career to successful career exploration and employment of college and university graduates. 

        We will be conducting information sessions with members who register for the 3CS committees to learn of their ideas and interest in becoming a member or leader. We look forward to receiving your registration of interest in joining us to make this and future year's conference the best yet. 

        3CS needs your insights and leadership

        • May 31, 2033
        • Online

        National CyberWatch Center’s Cybersecurity Curriculum Guide: A Complete Solution for Higher Education Institutions v3

        This guide, now in its third iteration, provides a complete curriculum solution for higher education institutions looking to create new cybersecurity programs and courses, and/or update existing ones.

        The Guide is the culmination of input from the National CyberWatch Curriculum Standards Panels, industry partners, labor market demand research, and over 20 years of content development experience.

        In addition to complete degrees and certificate templates, the technical courses have been mapped to effective instructional design practices, cyber range labs, the National Security Agency/Dept. of Homeland Security National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) Knowledge Units (KUs), the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (NIST Special Publication 800-181), and industry competency and capability maturity models.

        DOWNLOAD your copy today !!

        • May 31, 2033
        • Online

        Working Paper: Mitigating Machine Learning Risks within a Vulnerable SIEM to Prevent Biased SOC Decisions

        In this working paper, authors Landmesser and Vommi explore weaknesses in machine learning systems used by a SIEM that present a technical issue, which can also negatively influence decisions made by SOC personnel. Incorrect ML classifications from APT attacks result in incorrect security decisions based on SIEM output, causing an even more damaging impact on required incident response.

        • May 31, 2033
        • Online

        Hire Harford First: Designing and evaluating the effectiveness of adapting courses in an Information Assurance and Cybersecurity degree program to a Competency-Based Mastery Learning curriculum

        This Advanced Technological Education (ATE) project, entitled Hire Harford First, sought to “develop curriculum and educational materials that are based on ATE-funded CyberWatch Center's practices, and to disseminate curricula, course materials, and best practices to the ATE and broader educational community, including insights whether competency-based learning produces graduates who are better capable of making immediate positive contributions upon entering the workplace.” HHF was a three-year study in the design, development, and implementation of innovative curriculum designed to foster Competency-Based Mastery Learning (CBML). The results showed “the strong potential to…produce more graduates, since it will reduce attrition, encourage persistence, and attract more participants based on its reputation of success.” When fully-implemented, CBML instructional design and associated instructional methods that “flip the classroom” whereby faculty become success coaches rather than instructors for students produced proficiency improvement, on average, of 1.94 sigma. Additionally, this research revealed important constraints to fully achieving the benefits of CBML instructional designs. 

        • May 31, 2033
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        Competence-Based Mastery Learning (CBML): A brief guide to what’s different about it and the effects on students and faculty

        Competency-Based Mastery Learning (CBML) is an evidence-based instructional design method that combines two techniques developed from research conducted by Benjamin Bloom. His research sought to overturn fundamental assumptions of the modern education system which originated in the early 20th century1. The Outcome-Based Education (OBE) model sought to select those worthy of advancement and career employment by conferring a learning outcome—a degree or certificate. OBE replaced an apprenticeship system of education that was not scalable. OBE was designed to make education available to the masses while ensuring efficient utilization of educational institution resources. Bloom believed that this instructional model was failing to meet the needs of most students and employers. The goal of education should not simply be graduation, but instead the development of proficient understanding as a foundation for developing competent performance in career-related learning objectives.

        • May 31, 2033
        • Online

        Working Paper: The Two-Sigma Solution: Why competency-based mastery learning is more effective in readying students to succeed in college and a career

        In the 21st century, good teachers are being asked to use the supercharged version of a curriculum-driven instructional model that treats [students] as if they were learning on an assembly line. Covering way too much content at an unreasonable rate, with rigid pacing guides that make it impossible to find time to shape instruction to meet the individual needs of students, the system is breaking down. In spite of teaching to the test, our children are not doing better on international comparisons or compared to previous decades.
        -- Bob Sornson (Over-tested and under-prepared, 2015)

        This guide explains why competency-based mastery learning (CBML) is more aligned with student and employer needs. We review how the four main CBML features noted above are disrupting institutions, deepening understanding, and accelerating the development of expertise.

      This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant Number DUE-1204533DUE-1601150, and DUE-2054753Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of NSF.

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